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Maximising the Bring-Forward Rule

September 4, 2024

The bring-forward rule is a valuable strategy for individuals under 75 looking to make significant non-concessional contributions to their superannuation. By understanding how to effectively utilise this rule, clients can potentially boost their retirement savings significantly. Let's explore who is suited to this strategy, the reasons to act now, and the key considerations to keep in mind.

Who Can Benefit from the Bring-Forward Rule?

The bring-forward rule is most beneficial for:

Why Consider the Bring-Forward Rule Now?

The bring-forward rule allows eligible clients to bring forward up to two years’ worth of non-concessional contributions, totalling up to $360,000. For clients turning 75 during this financial year, this may be their last opportunity to trigger the bring-forward rule and maximise their contributions.

Here are some reasons why clients might want to consider taking advantage of this rule:

  1. Maximise Retirement Savings: By making larger contributions now, clients can potentially benefit from compound growth over time. This is especially important as the superannuation balance can grow significantly over the long term, providing more financial security in retirement.
  2. Tax Efficiency: Non-concessional contributions are made from after-tax income, and any earnings on these contributions within the superannuation environment are typically taxed at a lower rate than personal income. Using the bring-forward rule can help clients minimise their tax liability on future investment growth.
  3. Last Chance for Those Nearing 75: For clients turning 75 in the current financial year, this is the last opportunity to trigger the bring-forward rule. Taking action now could provide significant benefits that may not be available in subsequent years.

Key Considerations When Using the Bring-Forward Rule

When considering the bring-forward rule, there are several important factors to keep in mind:

How the Bring-Forward Rule Works in 2024–25

For the 2024–25 financial year, clients under the age of 75 may bring forward up to two years' worth of non-concessional contributions, potentially allowing them to contribute up to $360,000 without exceeding the cap. The actual cap and eligibility will depend on the client’s total superannuation balance as of 30 June 2024:

Automatic Trigger of the Bring-Forward Rule

The bring-forward rule is automatically triggered when a person contributes more than the standard non-concessional contributions cap for the financial year. No formal election is required. The bring-forward period can span two or three years, depending on the individual's total super balance just before the first year of contribution.

Additional Considerations

Managing the Bring-Forward Rule

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) manages data related to the bring-forward rule, including contribution eligibility. It is vital for clients to keep accurate records and confirm their total super balance with each super fund to avoid exceeding their contribution caps. Clients can access their contribution and bring-forward information by logging onto MyGov, though it is important to note that fund reporting may not always be up to date.

The bring-forward rule offers a unique opportunity for eligible clients to make substantial contributions to their superannuation. However, it requires careful planning and consideration to ensure compliance with contribution caps and to maximise the potential benefits. If you think this strategy might be right for you, or if you are unsure of your eligibility, please get in touch with us to discuss your options further.

By understanding and utilising the bring-forward rule, you can potentially boost your retirement savings and achieve greater financial security for your future. Don't miss out on the opportunity to maximise your super contributions this financial year!



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