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How Often Do You Think About Retirement?

July 17, 2024

Retirement often feels like a far-off dream, doesn’t it? It’s something we all know is coming, but for many, it seems so distant that it barely registers in our day-to-day thoughts. However, planning for retirement is crucial, and the earlier we start thinking about it, the better prepared we will be to enjoy it when the time comes.

Have You Thought About What You Want in Retirement?

Take a moment and ask yourself: Do you know exactly what you want to do when you retire? For some, the answer is clear. For others, it might be a bit more elusive. Personally, my retirement goal is simple: I want to maintain the lifestyle my family enjoys now, but without the necessity of working.

It's not that I don't want to work; it's more about having the freedom to choose whether I work or not. Imagine having the same amount of spending power, just without the reliance on a 9-to-5 job. Does that sound appealing to you?

Determining Your Retirement Number

To achieve this dream, we need to know our magic number – the amount of money required to sustain our current lifestyle into retirement. Here’s a simple way to start calculating that number:

  1. Calculate Your Current Monthly Expenses: Begin by adding up all your monthly expenses. This includes housing, utilities, groceries, entertainment, travel, and any other regular outgoings.
  1. Adjust for Future Changes: Next, consider which of these expenses might change as you approach retirement. For example, will your mortgage be paid off? Will your children have finished their education? Subtract these costs from your total monthly expenses.
  1. Consider Unexpected Costs: It’s wise to add a buffer to your calculations to account for unforeseen expenses. Think about potential medical expenses, inflation, or other unexpected financial demands. Adding a percentage on top of your estimated expenses can help ensure you’re prepared for these eventualities.
  1. Calculate Your Retirement Savings Goal: Once you have your adjusted monthly expenses, multiply this figure by 12 to get your annual expenses. Then, estimate how many years you expect to be retired and multiply your annual expenses by this number. This will give you a rough estimate of how much you need to save.

Bridging the Gap

If your current savings and investments don't match your retirement goal, don’t worry – there are strategies to bridge this gap. Here are a few steps you can take to get closer to your retirement target:

  1. Increase Your Savings Rate: If possible, try to increase the amount you save each month. Even small increases can have a significant impact over time thanks to compound interest.
  1. Invest Wisely: Make sure your investments are aligned with your retirement goals. Consider seeking professional advice to ensure your portfolio is diversified and optimised for growth.
  1. Reduce Unnecessary Expenses: Look for areas where you can cut back on spending without significantly impacting your lifestyle. Redirect these savings into your retirement fund.
  1. Consider Additional Income Streams: If feasible, look into additional sources of income. This could be a side business, rental income, or freelance work. Extra income can boost your retirement savings and provide a safety net.

Preparing for a Comfortable Retirement

Preparing for retirement isn’t just about saving money; it’s about creating a sustainable and enjoyable future. By taking the time to plan now, you can ensure that you have the financial security to live the retirement lifestyle you desire.

Remember, the key is to start planning early and to review your plan regularly. Life changes, and your retirement plan should be flexible enough to adapt to these changes. Whether you’re just starting your career or are a few years away from retirement, it’s never too late to start planning.

Let's Talk About Your Retirement Plan

If you find yourself kicking the retirement can down the road, you’re not alone. Many people delay planning for retirement because it feels overwhelming. But you don’t have to do it alone. At Vista Financial Group, we’re here to help you create a tailored retirement strategy that suits your unique needs and goals.

Set up some time to chat with us. We can help you clarify your retirement goals, assess your current financial situation, and develop a plan to bridge any gaps. Your retirement dreams are within reach, and we’re here to help you achieve them.

Let’s set up some time to chat and get you on the path to a secure and enjoyable retirement.



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