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Defining 'Rich' in 2023: What Income Do Australians Consider Wealthy?

September 27, 2023
Being ‘rich’ has a different meaning to everyone.

In a rapidly changing economic landscape, the concept of being "rich" can often feel elusive. The rising cost of living, soaring interest rates, and high inflation have left many Australians wondering just how much they need to earn to be considered "rich" in 2023. Recent insights from a survey conducted by news.com.au, known as the Great Aussie Debate, have shed light on what Australians believe qualifies as a wealthy income.

The Magic Number

Over 50,000 Australians participated in the survey, sharing their opinions on a wide range of topics, from politics to workplace habits. Among the questions posed was one that sought to pinpoint the income threshold for being considered "rich" in Australia this year. The verdict? An income exceeding $250,000, with an average of $303,000, was the chosen benchmark for over 55% of survey participants. In contrast, just 2.6% were content with an income between $80,000 and $100,000, emphasizing the wide spectrum of perspectives on wealth.

Reality vs. Perception

These perceptions of wealth are strikingly different from the reality of income in Australia. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the average Australian earns around $94,000, a far cry from the $250,000+ threshold set by survey respondents. The survey also unveiled age-related variations in perceptions, with those in the 40-49 age group believing that a salary of $315,000 qualified as "rich." Younger Australians, on the other hand, had a lower average income threshold of $250,000 to define wealth.

Regional Variances

Geographic location also played a role in defining wealth. New South Wales residents had the highest expectations for what constitutes wealth, with an average figure of $312,000. This regional disparity reflects the varying costs of living and economic conditions across Australia.

Navigating Economic Uncertainty

Sarah Megginson, a money expert at Finder, emphasised that defining "rich" in today's economic climate is challenging. She pointed out that the income needed to comfortably cover everyday expenses and bills differs from what's necessary to feel truly wealthy. Megginson suggested that a financial buffer of 10-20% on top of essential expenses could provide a more realistic measure of financial comfort amid current economic challenges.

Savings Snapshot

The survey also delved into Australians' savings habits. Surprisingly, amid economic uncertainty, a significant portion of respondents reported substantial savings. Approximately 23.6% of survey participants had more than $50,000 in their savings accounts. However, 16.6% had between $5,000 and $20,000 saved, while 8.8% had between $1,000 and $8,000. Disturbingly, over 4.5% of participants revealed they were accumulating more debt each month.

Gender and Age Disparities

The survey revealed notable disparities in savings based on gender and age. Men were more likely to have savings exceeding $50,000, with 32% falling into this category, compared to 20% of women. On the other hand, women were more likely to have no savings, with 18% reporting a lack of savings compared to 13% of men. Younger Australians also had less in savings, with just 17% having over $50,000 compared to 25% of those aged 30-49.

Regional Differences in Savings

Regionally, the survey found that residents of the Australian Capital Territory had the highest average savings of $32,600, while those in the Northern Territory had the lowest average savings of $25,800.

In conclusion, the definition of being "rich" in 2023 varies significantly among Australians, with income thresholds shaped by age, location, and economic realities. As individuals navigate these uncertainties, the importance of financial planning and savings remains paramount to achieving financial security, regardless of one's perception of wealth.



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