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Can You Use Your Super To Buy Your First Home?

January 10, 2024

Owning your first home is an exciting prospect, and the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) in Australia is here to help turn that dream into reality. Lets explore how the FHSSS operates, its eligibility criteria, and the steps you can take to benefit from this tax-effective saving strategy within the superannuation system.

Understanding the FHSSS

The FHSSS allows first home buyers to tap into their voluntary super contributions, along with associated earnings, to contribute towards a home deposit. This innovative approach leverages Australia's superannuation system to provide a tax-effective means of saving for a significant life milestone.

Eligibility Criteria

To qualify for the FHSSS, individuals must be aged 18 or above and meet the criteria of a first home buyer, indicating no previous ownership of Australian property. Voluntary super contributions made since July 1, 2017, are eligible for withdrawal. Let's delve into more detailed eligibility criteria to ensure you meet the requirements.

Operational Framework

Under the FHSSS, eligible first home buyers who have made voluntary super contributions, up to $15,000 annually, can make withdrawals, including associated earnings (net of tax), to bolster their first home deposit. The typical maximum withdrawal limit for eligible individuals is $50,000. This unique structure offers a tailored approach to suit the financial goals of first home buyers.

Types of Voluntary Super Contributions

Understanding the types of contributions eligible for withdrawal is crucial. These include salary sacrifice contributions, tax-deductible super contributions, and personal super contributions. Notably, compulsory super guarantee contributions from employers and spouse contributions are excluded from the FHSSS.

Advantages for First Home Buyers

The FHSSS provides first home buyers with a way to expedite deposit growth, thanks to the favorable tax treatment within the superannuation framework. The taxation of withdrawn amounts is based on the contributor's marginal tax rate, with a 30% tax offset for specific contributions. After-tax contributions, however, enjoy an exemption from additional tax, offering a strategic advantage.

Initiating a Withdrawal

To kickstart the withdrawal process, applicants must submit an application to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Each eligible individual is limited to a single FHSSS withdrawal during their lifetime, emphasizing the importance of careful planning.

Crucial Considerations

Several key considerations should be taken into account, such as obtaining a 'determination' from the ATO, property purchase requirements, and the necessity of reinvesting unutilized FHSSS amounts to avoid penalties. Comprehending these details ensures a smooth and informed journey toward homeownership.


While the FHSSS can significantly contribute to your first home deposit, it's essential to navigate the process with a clear understanding of its nuances. This blog post serves as a guide to help you unlock the doors to your first home using the First Home Super Saver Scheme, making your homeownership journey a well-informed and successful one.



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